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Am I getting worse?

It does seem like it but, no, not really. As we become conscious, aware, present with life, old patterns can still manifest. Because we are not living in the future but also, not fully in the present moment, we might see the pattern during or just after. And this may happen repeatedly. Take heart! We are only seeing what we could not see before. The pattern has always been here, but you're here for it and that's pretty cool, yeah? You're here for it and here's the great news: All we have to do is notice the pattern. The light of our awareness burns up the pattern.


  • Bring a sense of humor to what can sometimes be heavy patterns, with old emotion wrapped up. Instead of congratulating our evolution, we could be laughing at the absurdity of taking all this so seriously. And also, let's not bypass any understanding these patterns may need to teach us. In this case:

  • Love on yourself as you would a dear friend. Bring your tender vulnerability near to your heart, without judgement or opinion. Nothing is out of order here. These patterns must come to light. And we know that because that's what's here, right now. You bringing awareness to a pattern. It's all part of growing, learning, creating. Let's love every messy or clean step we take. We'll unfold and grow, no matter what. And we can be here for it.

  • Notice if you are creating new stories about the pattern. Stick with the facts of any situation. Eckhart gives this example: "I have .87 left in my bank account." is a fact. "I'm broke." is a story.

Recommend: Then work of Byron Katie

Much love,


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