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Still Mind

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

How does mind feel when not grasping at anything, when we are not trying to entertain ourselves, and when our mind is not going anywhere at all... when there is no place left to go?

There is a space that exists within us and around us, as real and present as the fingers typing this. Look at this screen. There is the white space and then these words appearing on this page. The white space, as our spaciousness, exists behind and around everything. Without it, nothing could appear. Without it, these words could not appear.

This body mostly water and space and there is vast intelligence throughout. Can I relate more to this intelligence, wordlessly? Can I operate this life with my entire body, with a peaceful energy field--even as chaos unfolds?

Can you pause your mind and lay down completely in your skin? Do it with me. Allow the mind to rest. How am I breathing? Direct attention to the breath and let your breath become your anchor. Surrender to the momentum of the mind, see this momentum without more words. Your attention isn't adding more words or stories. The momentum of the hungry mind is adding more words, stories, and it's only momentum and it's okay for the mind to be hungry, bored. And all you must do is to allow what is here to be here, wordlessly. You won't die when the mind recedes.

You will come to life. In your body, alive. Here.

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